Create Account
Welcome to the HMA Member Portal account set up process. |
To set up acess to your information through our secure member portal you will need to enter your name, your member or employee ID (printed on your ID card) along with your email address and date of birth. Your email address will be used to sign in to the member portal. You will receive an email with a password allowing you to log in to your new account. You will be asked to change the password the first time you log in. After accepting our terms of use policy and setting up a security question you will have access to the member portal. |
Note: Due to HIPAA regulations the primary contract holder will only have access to view their information, along with any dependent childen under the age of 18. A spouse or dependent child(ren) over the age of 18 will be required to create their own account on the member portal unless a HIPAA authorization form is completed and sent to HMA. |